Monday, November 24, 2008

I'm hungry!

Looks like the little man wants a big meal for dinner! Last night he got seconds (nursed and got his first bottle of formula) and he slept through the night!

Warner's been fussin' the last couple of nights which is really unusual for him b/c he never cries. He's teething (the bottom front ones are bulging!) which makes it more uncomfortable for him as he has to work harder to nurse than he does with a bottle that flows easily. I also thought he might still be hungry as he kept pulling off during his evening feeding. I decided to give him formula for the first time to see if he was still hungry and he sucked down 4oz . That was at 7pm and he didn't move until 5am! And even then I think it was only then b/c I was up getting ready to leave super early for my continuing legal education class in Knoxville. Hopefully tonight we'll have a repeat as I'm pooped!


Brandi Pittman said...

Wow- I'm so happy for you!!

sheri said...

Hey Lianna... so happy to see you on the blog roles... this comment should give you a link to mine, though i'm a bit of a slacker... love the kid pictures!